MiccroWax C-565 - available at CDI in Buffalo, NY

A Reusable Coating for Hard Chrome, Indium, Copper Acid, Lead, Copper Pyro, Silver.


  • MiccroWax is a single-material wax for selective stop-off that is especially suited for masking on complicated parts and sharp edges.
  • MiccroWax will not crack, and may be readily melted for use by any common heating medium.
  • MiccroWax shows a remarkable degree of adhesion, even when used on flat surfaces. It requires no prime coat before application which means only one dip tank is necessary for the complete operation.
  • MiccroWax hardens immediately after the part is dipped, thereby minimizing preparation time and speeding production of parts before plating.
  • MiccroWax can be reused without loss of its efficiency.
  • MiccroWax may be used in most plating cycles as long as cycle temperatures do not exceed the melting point of the wax.
  • MiccroWax may be used in the following types of plating: Hard Chrome, Indium, Copper Acid, Lead, Copper Pyro, Silver


  • MiccroWax C-565 is available in: 6 slabs per carton. Approximate weight is 65.5 pounds per carton.

Application Procedure

  1. MiccroWax C-562 should be held at temperatures between 210° F and 230° F to attain a maximum thickness of coating for use in selective hard chromium plating.
  2. The parts to be stopped-off should be cleaned of all dirt, grease, etc.
  3. Immerse in MiccroWax C-565 for a few moments to raise the temperature of the part and withdraw.
  4. Two or three successive, fast dips will provide a heavy coating that will withstand any hard chromium cycle. The portion to be plated can be bared with a knife and the surface cleaned with naphtha before plating.
  5. MiccroWax C-565 can be removed easily by peeling or placing part in boiling water to melt the coating.
  6. Since reclaimed wax contains acid, air will only encourage degradation. The bath should be stirred frequently and new wax added when needed.
  7. Remember, recycled wax degrades with time, which decreases pliability. When a wax begins to darken and become brittle due to acid attack, a base such as morpholine, ammonia, or KOH can be added to the wax to neutralize the effects. The wax will lighten as it is neutralized. However, the addition of aqueous base will increase the water contamination of the wax.
  8. Increasing the temperature of the bath above 250°F until the wax is dried out can eliminate water contamination. Since bumping can occur while the wax is drying, extreme care must be taken to protect operations during this procedure.
  9. When dipping large parts in wax, the metal acts as a heat sink and absorbs the energy of the liquid wax, causing it to rapidly solidify. This can result in a thick wax coating with poor adhesion to the metal. Preheating of the part will help to alleviate this problem. Another way to alleviate this problem is to increase the wax bath temperature, although this may accelerate degradation.
  10. MICCRO SAFE-STRIP "D" can be used to remove the last residues of the wax after boiling water rather than use vapor degreasers or hazardous solvents.

MiccroWax C-565 instruction sheet:

The information supplied above is offered as a service to our customers, and does not relieve the customer from their responsibility to determine the suitability of a particular chemical to their specific purpose. Actual product specifications may vary slightly. Please contact CDI for information prior to purchase.