Lockout/Tagout (Control of Hazardous Energy 29 CFR 1910.147) - Training offered by Chemical Distributors, Incorporated

Employees need to be trained to ensure that they know, understand, and follow the applicable provisions of the hazardous energy control procedures. The training must cover at least three areas: aspects of the employer's energy control program; elements of the energy control procedure relevant to the employee's duties or assignment; and the various requirements of the OSHA standards related to lockout/tagout.

The standards establish requirements that employers must follow when employees are exposed to hazardous energy while servicing and maintaining equipment and machinery. Some of the most critical requirements from these standards are outlined below:

  • Develop, implement, and enforce an energy control program.
  • Use lockout devices for equipment that can be locked out. Tagout devices may be used in lieu of lockout devices only if the tagout program provides employee protection equivalent to that provided through a lockout program.
  • Ensure that new or overhauled equipment is capable of being locked out.
  • Develop, implement, and enforce an effective tagout program if machines or equipment are not capable of being locked out.
  • Develop, document, implement, and enforce energy control procedures
  • Use only lockout/tagout devices authorized for the particular equipment or machinery and ensure that they are durable, standardized, and substantial.
  • Ensure that lockout/tagout devices identify the individual users.
  • Establish a policy that permits only the employee who applied a lockout/tagout device to remove it.
  • Inspect energy control procedures at least annually.
  • Provide effective training as mandated for all employees covered by the standard.
  • Comply with the additional energy control provisions in OSHA standards when machines or equipment must be tested or repositioned, when outside contractors work at the site, in group lockout situations, and during shift or personnel changes.
  • Courses may be offered individually or as a package. Our training plan can be customized to meet your needs.

    The EH&S division of Chemical Distributors, Incorporated started with an internal need for training and compliance and has expanded with the following offering for all of our customers.

    Please inquire about a program to match your specific needs.

    All training materials will be provided

    Give us a call, we've got you covered.


    About our trainer:

    Cindy Shelton is a certified Associate Safety Professional through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, as well as a Registered Environmental Professional through the National Registry of Environmental Professionals. She is also an authorized trainer for OSHA 10 and 30 hour Training in General Industry. In addition, she holds a Master’s degree from Columbia Southern University in Occupational Safety and Health with a concentration in Environmental Management.